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    Ministries Of The Church

"A Full Gospel Church On The Move Doing Great Things For God". We have many ministries in the church. If the lord has blessed you with talents , please don't be afraid to use them. We welcome the saints to get involved!

                         CHRISTIAN EDUCATION

Christian Education is the foundation of Christian discipleship. The belief system we hold as Christians must agree with the Word of God.  Thus , all activities and events we embark upon must be in agreement with Scripture. To insure allegiance and adherence to The Word Of God, we have an Adult Sunday School Class taught by the ministers of the church and mid-week Bible Class entering around a particular theme that changed periodically .There are are reasons when Sunday afternoons between the morning service and the afternoon service are dedicated to specific topics in what we call......Ministers are required to undergo regular instruction and assessments under the supervision of the Pastor. As we are made to improve and increase opportunities for developing Christian Education. 



Ushers stand at the door and assure you that you came to a place of love and welcome. They are committed to greeting you in a Godly manner and insuring your stay is a positive and pleasant as possible. Our ushers can provide information and/or assistance with any any concerns you may have. Love,Patience and wisdom characterize this important ministry of being a doorkeeper in the house of the Lord. 



Zion Grove Hospitality is a leader in the area of waiting on members and guest alike. Our Hospitality Ministry goes beyond and beyond as they rise to the occasion- whether the occasion is Sunday dinner,receptions,repasts,special occasions, and the like-taking good care of the people's is always a priority . 



                             "MAN AND WIFE"

Our Marriage Ministry is a new, creative and innovative approach to providing fellowship,education,support and encouragement to the married couples of the church All activities are planed with ingenuity and with the ultimate goal of honoring the marriage vows. It is the aim that each spouse understand his/her role in helping one another to reach their God ordained destiny in this life.



                          BAPTISM COMMITEE 


All Baptisms and Christenings are supervised by the Baptism Committee. Whatever preparations that need to take place are assumed by this committee. Membership records and updates are the responsibility of this committee. 


We are dedicated to developing the vocal and musical talents of our youth . It is our mission to train our youth to sing skillfully and with the anointing of God. Our Goal for our youth is the same as for our adult choir- to be versatile in our genres of gospel music and be competent with performing acappella , performing to professional soundtracks as well as singing to live music accompaniment.


             SICK & BEREAVEMENT

This is a group of individuals who are graced by God to help care for the sick and tend to those who are dealing with the loss of loved ones. It is important to understand the range of services that may need to be provided to those who are sick and/or especially to those who are mourning the loss of loved ones. This ministry must work closely with the pastor and the ministries in cases where extreme challenges are being faced psychologically,emotionally and spiritually. This is a very serious ministry where extreme caution and wisdom must always prevail.


The Media Ministry is a very important part of the church. This Ministry involves video,sound,promotions,data, computer IT,certificates and many more things. This ministry is open to those that would like to learn and be of a helping hand with willing spirit. Under the leadership of our Pastor, this ministry works closely yo make sure that the services run smoothly and with excellence . 

                SECURITY FORCE

First impressions are lasting. The first people with whom you will interact at Zion Grove are our security force and our ushers. The Security Force works the outside grounds of the building every Sunday and whenever services are being held. They direct and assist with parking,escorting members inside of the building ,conduct vehicle safety patrols, and respond to ant problems that may arise anywhere on the Church's Property. They provide snow removal to insure clear walkways, and make sure no one is left in or outside of the property when the church is closed.

© 2018 by Zion Grove Baptist Church

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